Friday, December 26, 2008

Anyone know how to put music on their blog?

I just was wandering if any of you know how to put music on your blogger? Any tips would be appreciated!!

George Gidisa

Christ in Christmas...

Well, Christmas is over and the family had a very nice time opening gifts and enjoying each other. As we were looking at the Manger Scene they have in Eden Park I was again reminded of the real reason of Christmas. One lady in our church was explaining that she told her children that Christmas is Christ's birth and she will not be giving them any presents (they are grown kids) this year and she asked Christ what He wanted her to give to Him? He only asked of herself. Anyways...even though in our household we do exchange gifts I did understand what she was me it is important to show my children the real meaning of Christmas...not always in the amount of toys or presents we get, but about Christ coming to earth, in the form of a man, to give His life for our sins. What a sacrifice!

We are heading to Indiana in the morning to celebrate with some of George's PNG family. They are have Christmas Lotu (church) at Independent Church of the Nazarene in Beech Grove. We are praying that the Lord will come and minister in a special way in the services. I will post pictures later. God bless!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

slacking...kind of been slacking in the blogging world...

Kind of been slacking in the blogger world...yes, we are still alive, but so busy this time of year! Will post pics of happenings later.

George Gidisa

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Studying, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible

The title of my blog is the name of the textbook for one of my online classes I am taking. What happened is I needed an elective course and I decided to take this one. What a blessing this class has been. I know that the reason it is a blessing is because our primary source of study is God's word. This class and book has opened my eyes to a way of studying and understanding and applying God's Word more to my life. I just wanted to put a plug in for this book (which is the title of the blog). The authors are Walter Henrichson and Gayle Jackson. What has this book and class done for me? It has honestly given me a deeper understanding of Scripture and given me a renewed hunger to learn and study more of God's Word.

Have a blessed day you all and a wonderful Lord's day tomorrow.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

some pics..........


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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Worshiping God when washing the dishes?

God has been dealing with me through my devotionals and Bible reading about worshiping him in everything I do. What does that mean? when I go to the store...responding how Christ would...when I wash dishes do it as worshiping to the Lord. Basically everything I do in everyday life I should do as a form of worshiping the Lord. Even though it might not seem like a spiritual activity as church choir, Bible study, singing in church, but God wants us to worship and bring glory to Him in everything that we do...they are all significant to Him.

John 4:23-24
The time is coming when the true worshipers
will worship the Father in spirit and truth, and
that time is here already. You see, the Father
too is actively seeking such people to worship
God is spirit, and those who worship him must
worship in spirit and truth.

Busy Busy...

Hey...been super busy. Things I have got accomplished this week.

*chore list for kids
*made certificates for kids if they complete chores on list can get computer time or their pic of movie
*made myself exercise chart one for work and one for home.
*have been exercising (walking each day)
*have not eaten after 7pm only on one day

I tried to put on here but would not let me attach as pic.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why are there not more hours in the day?

I was just thinking yesterday what I could do with just 2-3 more hours in the day. I mean who really came up with 24 hour days was definitely not a multitasking mom. This question led me to some says that We can actually thank the Egyptians and Babylonians for the hour, minute and second:

Egypt (around 1300 B.C.E.) measured their daylight, twilight, and darkness. They found the ratio of 10 : 2: 12, thus our 24 hours in a day. No one specific person can be credited for this, it's lost for the ages. But we do know it was the Egyptians. They are also responsible for the 365 days in a year!

This past week I started another class, it is online which is nice because I honestly do not think I could stand being in a classroom for another four hours on two nights a week. This week though I am going to revamp my schedule...what does that mean exactly since I will not be omitting anything from the schedule. I am still going to take kids to school on my way to work. I am still going to continue taking the courses I am taking. I am still going to have to cook. I am still going to have to clean. I am still going to spend time with my husband and kids. I am going to add the task of actually sticking to an exercise plan to the "to do" list. I have been slacking in this area.

Some kid's tidbits for the night. The kids were watching this cute little show called "Frank" about a dog and it is rated PG. George and I are strict with them about making sure nothing over PG...but I overheard Lelani (who is just starting to really read good) said why do they keep going into "city hell"...I was listening to see what the response would be...she read it wrong, but it was actually city hall. She is really improving on her reading though. George and Sarah are involved in the book it program to get a pan size pizza and they are reading a lot these days too.

One goal that I have this week is my before picture, before starting my diet officially for the umpteenth time. Then I am going to post an afterwards pic around April 2009 and the reason I am picking that date it is the goal of when I am to graduate-George said he wants to buy me a new dress and I want to get into a smaller size than I am now. I thought this might encourage me again. Number two goal this week is I am going to set up a winter schedule for the kids. Usually I have some chores for the kids to do after getting home from school and since starting school have let it slip. I had a summer schedule that they really kept to good because they saw the list on the fridge then I would put a sticker or smiley face when done. Goal number three is to actually revamp that list of things I need to do each week...I am wanting to add game night to our agenda during the week to get to spend some more quality time with children. I thought I was done, but goal number four is to exercise with the DVD daily...I hate exercise DVD's...I think that maybe if it were a group of us ladies it would not be as hard (like we used to do in GBS parlour), but wish me luck.

Just curious you all bloggers out there...what would YOU do with more hours in the day? God bless and have a wonderful week.

Why are there not more hours in the day?

I was just thinking yesterday what I could do with just 2-3 more hours in the day. I mean who really came up with 24 hour days was definitely not a multitasking mom. This question led me to some says that We can actually thank the Egyptians and Babylonians for the hour, minute and second:

Egypt (around 1300 B.C.E.) measured their daylight, twilight, and darkness. They found the ratio of 10 : 2: 12, thus our 24 hours in a day. No one specific person can be credited for this, it's lost for the ages. But we do know it was the Egyptians. They are also responsible for the 365 days in a year!

This past week I started another class, it is online which is nice because I honestly do not think I could stand being in a classroom for another four hours on two nights a week. This week though I am going to revamp my schedule...what does that mean exactly since I will not be omitting anything from the schedule. I am still going to take kids to school on my way to work. I am still going to continue taking the courses I am taking. I am still going to have to cook. I am still going to have to clean. I am still going to spend time with my husband and kids. I am going to add the task of actually sticking to an exercise plan to the "to do" list. I have been slacking in this area.

Some kid's tidbits for the night. The kids were watching this cute little show called "Frank" about a dog and it is rated PG. George and I are strict with them about making sure nothing over PG...but I overheard Lelani (who is just starting to really read good) said why do they keep going into "city hell"...I was listening to see what the response would be...she read it wrong, but it was actually city hall. She is really improving on her reading though. George and Sarah are involved in the book it program to get a pan size pizza and they are reading a lot these days too.

One goal that I have this week is my before picture, before starting my diet officially for the umpteenth time. Then I am going to post an afterwards pic around April 2009 and the reason I am picking that date it is the goal of when I am to graduate-George said he wants to buy me a new dress and I want to get into a smaller size than I am now. I thought this might encourage me again. Number two goal this week is I am going to set up a winter schedule for the kids. Usually I have some chores for the kids to do after getting home from school and since starting school have let it slip. I had a summer schedule that they really kept to good because they saw the list on the fridge then I would put a sticker or smiley face when done. Goal number three is to actually revamp that list of things I need to do each week...I am wanting to add game night to our agenda during the week to get to spend some more quality time with children. I thought I was done, but goal number four is to exercise with the DVD daily...I hate exercise DVD's...I think that maybe if it were a group of us ladies it would not be as hard (like we used to do in GBS parlour), but wish me luck.

Just curious you all bloggers out there...what would YOU do with more hours in the day? God bless and have a wonderful week.

Why are there not more hours in the day?

I was just thinking yesterday what I could do with just 2-3 more hours in the day. I mean who really came up with 24 hour days was definitely not a multitasking mom. This question led me to some says that We can actually thank the Egyptians and Babylonians for the hour, minute and second:

Egypt (around 1300 B.C.E.) measured their daylight, twilight, and darkness. They found the ratio of 10 : 2: 12, thus our 24 hours in a day. No one specific person can be credited for this, it's lost for the ages. But we do know it was the Egyptians. They are also responsible for the 365 days in a year!

This past week I started another class, it is online which is nice because I honestly do not think I could stand being in a classroom for another four hours on two nights a week. This week though I am going to revamp my schedule...what does that mean exactly since I will not be omitting anything from the schedule. I am still going to take kids to school on my way to work. I am still going to continue taking the courses I am taking. I am still going to have to cook. I am still going to have to clean. I am still going to spend time with my husband and kids. I am going to add the task of actually sticking to an exercise plan to the "to do" list. I have been slacking in this area.

Some kid's tidbits for the night. The kids were watching this cute little show called "Frank" about a dog and it is rated PG. George and I are strict with them about making sure nothing over PG...but I overheard Lelani (who is just starting to really read good) said why do they keep going into "city hell"...I was listening to see what the response would be...she read it wrong, but it was actually city hall. She is really improving on her reading though. George and Sarah are involved in the book it program to get a pan size pizza and they are reading a lot these days too.

One goal that I have this week is my before picture, before starting my diet officially for the umpteenth time. Then I am going to post an afterwards pic around April 2009 and the reason I am picking that date it is the goal of when I am to graduate-George said he wants to buy me a new dress and I want to get into a smaller size than I am now. I thought this might encourage me again. Number two goal this week is I am going to set up a winter schedule for the kids. Usually I have some chores for the kids to do after getting home from school and since starting school have let it slip. I had a summer schedule that they really kept to good because they saw the list on the fridge then I would put a sticker or smiley face when done. Goal number three is to actually revamp that list of things I need to do each week...I am wanting to add game night to our agenda during the week to get to spend some more quality time with children. I thought I was done, but goal number four is to exercise with the DVD daily...I hate exercise DVD's...I think that maybe if it were a group of us ladies it would not be as hard (like we used to do in GBS parlour), but wish me luck.

Just curious you all bloggers out there...what would YOU do with more hours in the day? God bless and have a wonderful week.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What do you do when you see someone actually taking the TRASH BAGS that you just took to the trash and taking them into their house?

Ok...weird title huh? Well a couple of weeks back I did some major fall cleaning. I try to do on every new season. rid of papers...shredded important ones of course and actually threw away clothes too little for kids. I had planned to give away to Goodwill, but I was in a mood that didnt want to even stop and do that. So, basically organized four of our closets and weeded out clothes and some papers in there. So...hours later a gentleman is sifting through my trash and taking the trash bags into his home with a vengeance. What would you do...well, I got out my camera that has video and recorded it. I was going to post on here, but might later. I did that in case I might need to use later.

My main concern and worry is that over the past year I have been receiving junk mail written to my name Margaret Gidisa for hearing aids...invitations to join AARP (isnt that for older people?) and you here all the time about identity theft. So, I kind of freaked out when I saw that man doing that. I even went and talked to my other neighbor and neighbor said "dont worry about it, he is a good man". Yes, he may be a good man, but what kind of person is going to take an empty trashcan and fill it up with other peoples garbage? Kind of scary if you ask me. Then I am reminded of a quote "one man's garbage is another man's treasure". It still does not bring me any comfort.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

63 days till Christmas...

Please excuse the Christmas decor of my blog...I am totally getting into the holiday spirit a little early. I am planning to get some Christmas shopping done this weekend. 63 days till Christmas...and even less than that shopping days.

any ideas?

Hey...been slacking due to life is getting only ALOT busier than before. I am now taking two courses and one of them is online and then the four hour class on Thursday. I was wandering if you all had any ideas on what to name my blog? or any words that start with "G" that might make some since. I just dont think giblets is cutting it. Would love your ideas.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Under Construction...

Well, I am kind of changing the look of my blog...please be patient with me as it is under construction:)