Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why are there not more hours in the day?

I was just thinking yesterday what I could do with just 2-3 more hours in the day. I mean who really came up with 24 hour days was definitely not a multitasking mom. This question led me to some says that We can actually thank the Egyptians and Babylonians for the hour, minute and second:

Egypt (around 1300 B.C.E.) measured their daylight, twilight, and darkness. They found the ratio of 10 : 2: 12, thus our 24 hours in a day. No one specific person can be credited for this, it's lost for the ages. But we do know it was the Egyptians. They are also responsible for the 365 days in a year!

This past week I started another class, it is online which is nice because I honestly do not think I could stand being in a classroom for another four hours on two nights a week. This week though I am going to revamp my schedule...what does that mean exactly since I will not be omitting anything from the schedule. I am still going to take kids to school on my way to work. I am still going to continue taking the courses I am taking. I am still going to have to cook. I am still going to have to clean. I am still going to spend time with my husband and kids. I am going to add the task of actually sticking to an exercise plan to the "to do" list. I have been slacking in this area.

Some kid's tidbits for the night. The kids were watching this cute little show called "Frank" about a dog and it is rated PG. George and I are strict with them about making sure nothing over PG...but I overheard Lelani (who is just starting to really read good) said why do they keep going into "city hell"...I was listening to see what the response would be...she read it wrong, but it was actually city hall. She is really improving on her reading though. George and Sarah are involved in the book it program to get a pan size pizza and they are reading a lot these days too.

One goal that I have this week is my before picture, before starting my diet officially for the umpteenth time. Then I am going to post an afterwards pic around April 2009 and the reason I am picking that date it is the goal of when I am to graduate-George said he wants to buy me a new dress and I want to get into a smaller size than I am now. I thought this might encourage me again. Number two goal this week is I am going to set up a winter schedule for the kids. Usually I have some chores for the kids to do after getting home from school and since starting school have let it slip. I had a summer schedule that they really kept to good because they saw the list on the fridge then I would put a sticker or smiley face when done. Goal number three is to actually revamp that list of things I need to do each week...I am wanting to add game night to our agenda during the week to get to spend some more quality time with children. I thought I was done, but goal number four is to exercise with the DVD daily...I hate exercise DVD's...I think that maybe if it were a group of us ladies it would not be as hard (like we used to do in GBS parlour), but wish me luck.

Just curious you all bloggers out there...what would YOU do with more hours in the day? God bless and have a wonderful week.


~Regina~ said...

I'm with you on needing to start the excercise routine. Maybe some of us blogging moms can encourage each other in this area! Maybe we should make up exercise charts for ourselves with rewards. :-) I have collected quite a few of my favorite excercise DVD's at home. Now, I need to dust them off and get back into using them again! One of my favorites is Denise Austin's Power Kickboxing. I also like Mari Winsor pilates.

As for what would I do with 2-3 hours extra in the day. Hmm...I would definitely have to use it to catch up on the lack of sleep in my life! After I finally was caught up with my sleep then I would probably use it to better organize my house and play with the kids.

Good luck with starting your new routine tomorrow!