Saturday, October 25, 2008

What do you do when you see someone actually taking the TRASH BAGS that you just took to the trash and taking them into their house?

Ok...weird title huh? Well a couple of weeks back I did some major fall cleaning. I try to do on every new season. rid of papers...shredded important ones of course and actually threw away clothes too little for kids. I had planned to give away to Goodwill, but I was in a mood that didnt want to even stop and do that. So, basically organized four of our closets and weeded out clothes and some papers in there. So...hours later a gentleman is sifting through my trash and taking the trash bags into his home with a vengeance. What would you do...well, I got out my camera that has video and recorded it. I was going to post on here, but might later. I did that in case I might need to use later.

My main concern and worry is that over the past year I have been receiving junk mail written to my name Margaret Gidisa for hearing aids...invitations to join AARP (isnt that for older people?) and you here all the time about identity theft. So, I kind of freaked out when I saw that man doing that. I even went and talked to my other neighbor and neighbor said "dont worry about it, he is a good man". Yes, he may be a good man, but what kind of person is going to take an empty trashcan and fill it up with other peoples garbage? Kind of scary if you ask me. Then I am reminded of a quote "one man's garbage is another man's treasure". It still does not bring me any comfort.


Carrie said...

Heh. I used to know some young married couples from GBS who got great pleasure (and treasure) from dumpster diving! :)

I could never get up the nerve to something like that. Going through other people's trash seems kind of gross.

Tamra said...

That's very weird.

Maggie said...

Carrie, That is funny about the GBS couple. I honestly dont think I would have minded if it was like a table or furniture I was putting in the trash:) just actual trash bag digging is a bit much. To each his own though.