Thursday, November 6, 2008

Worshiping God when washing the dishes?

God has been dealing with me through my devotionals and Bible reading about worshiping him in everything I do. What does that mean? when I go to the store...responding how Christ would...when I wash dishes do it as worshiping to the Lord. Basically everything I do in everyday life I should do as a form of worshiping the Lord. Even though it might not seem like a spiritual activity as church choir, Bible study, singing in church, but God wants us to worship and bring glory to Him in everything that we do...they are all significant to Him.

John 4:23-24
The time is coming when the true worshipers
will worship the Father in spirit and truth, and
that time is here already. You see, the Father
too is actively seeking such people to worship
God is spirit, and those who worship him must
worship in spirit and truth.


The Dickinsons said...

Very good post! I agree. I try to praise God when I'm washing clothes, doing dishes, etc. =)

Yes, I DO THINK THAT THERE IS HOPE for you making bread! If you try my recipe and it doesn't turn out...write me and maybe I can give you some suggestions on what to do different. BUT...I WILL PRAY that it turns out GREAT for you the FIRST TIME!! I know you can do it. You are a pretty and talented lady, so make sure and let me know if you do try the bread and post pics of how beautiful and delicious it is. =)

Becky said...

Thanks Margaret for reminding me to worship God in everything. Even my pain!

Anonymous said...

After reading my post for today, you will see that I needed to read yours! LOL It was a reminder to me to praise God even through the storms and trials of life. Thanks, Margaret! Glad I stopped by your blog!