Friday, December 26, 2008

Christ in Christmas...

Well, Christmas is over and the family had a very nice time opening gifts and enjoying each other. As we were looking at the Manger Scene they have in Eden Park I was again reminded of the real reason of Christmas. One lady in our church was explaining that she told her children that Christmas is Christ's birth and she will not be giving them any presents (they are grown kids) this year and she asked Christ what He wanted her to give to Him? He only asked of herself. Anyways...even though in our household we do exchange gifts I did understand what she was me it is important to show my children the real meaning of Christmas...not always in the amount of toys or presents we get, but about Christ coming to earth, in the form of a man, to give His life for our sins. What a sacrifice!

We are heading to Indiana in the morning to celebrate with some of George's PNG family. They are have Christmas Lotu (church) at Independent Church of the Nazarene in Beech Grove. We are praying that the Lord will come and minister in a special way in the services. I will post pictures later. God bless!


Danny,Liz,Becca,Ben, Abby and Caleb said...

Hi margaret!
I was happy to see you post a comment on my blog! I had lost your blog and did not know how to contact you! Welcome back! Did you read in our archives about our plans to move to Florida? I beleive it is titled something about a change? Anyhow, check it out when you get time... I will stick you in my favs...Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a very nice Christmas. Looking forward to pictures.