Saturday, November 22, 2008

Studying, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible

The title of my blog is the name of the textbook for one of my online classes I am taking. What happened is I needed an elective course and I decided to take this one. What a blessing this class has been. I know that the reason it is a blessing is because our primary source of study is God's word. This class and book has opened my eyes to a way of studying and understanding and applying God's Word more to my life. I just wanted to put a plug in for this book (which is the title of the blog). The authors are Walter Henrichson and Gayle Jackson. What has this book and class done for me? It has honestly given me a deeper understanding of Scripture and given me a renewed hunger to learn and study more of God's Word.

Have a blessed day you all and a wonderful Lord's day tomorrow.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

some pics..........


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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Worshiping God when washing the dishes?

God has been dealing with me through my devotionals and Bible reading about worshiping him in everything I do. What does that mean? when I go to the store...responding how Christ would...when I wash dishes do it as worshiping to the Lord. Basically everything I do in everyday life I should do as a form of worshiping the Lord. Even though it might not seem like a spiritual activity as church choir, Bible study, singing in church, but God wants us to worship and bring glory to Him in everything that we do...they are all significant to Him.

John 4:23-24
The time is coming when the true worshipers
will worship the Father in spirit and truth, and
that time is here already. You see, the Father
too is actively seeking such people to worship
God is spirit, and those who worship him must
worship in spirit and truth.

Busy Busy...

Hey...been super busy. Things I have got accomplished this week.

*chore list for kids
*made certificates for kids if they complete chores on list can get computer time or their pic of movie
*made myself exercise chart one for work and one for home.
*have been exercising (walking each day)
*have not eaten after 7pm only on one day

I tried to put on here but would not let me attach as pic.