Friday, August 13, 2010

New updates on Books for PNG

Sorry, I have been slacking a little on posting on here. I have been taking some summer courses and time has surely slipped away from me. Where has the summer gone? The kids are starting school in two weeks and we are scurrying around getting uniforms and supplies. Hope your summer has been a fun and productive one.

I wanted to post some updates on BOOKS FOR PNG. We have received a set of brand new encyclopedias for the school in Papua New Guinea's library from a wantok in Wisconsin. We also have officially received the supplies from an employee in the Cincinnati Public Schools. God is good. Please continue to keep our efforts in your earnest prayers. The cost of sending on small box to PNG is $57 per box. This is the international flat rate. I know God is able to provide this. We do have several promises to help in shipping costs, but no actual contribution yet. Trust you have a blessed day and again please put us on your prayer list.

God bless,