Saturday, February 28, 2009

21 days to start a new habit...

Have you all heard that it takes about 21 days to start a new habit. Well today is day one...of starting some new habits. I am going to start with just two.

1. no eating after 7pm. I know there might be exceptions, but as a general rule I want to accomplish this.

2. I want to start walking or working out every day again.

3. I am going to add another one in here though. I want to get my devotions in before going to work. Bible reading and prayer.

Wish me luck. If any want to join feel free to and we can possibly be accountable to each other.

Also here is some great tips how to burn fat-realisticly.


Becky said...

Sounds good to me.

Danny,Liz,Becca,Ben, Abby and Caleb said...

Hi Margaret!
I am not sure if you are aware of it, but your background is too bright and it is hard to read your words. You may want to get a leghter background! ;o)