Saturday, February 28, 2009

21 days to start a new habit...

Have you all heard that it takes about 21 days to start a new habit. Well today is day one...of starting some new habits. I am going to start with just two.

1. no eating after 7pm. I know there might be exceptions, but as a general rule I want to accomplish this.

2. I want to start walking or working out every day again.

3. I am going to add another one in here though. I want to get my devotions in before going to work. Bible reading and prayer.

Wish me luck. If any want to join feel free to and we can possibly be accountable to each other.

Also here is some great tips how to burn fat-realisticly.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The love of the Father by Wendy Pope

I got this from my inbox on yahoo and wanted to share...from Proverbs 31 Ministries

by Wendy Pope

"For the Lord corrects and disciplines everyone whom He loves, and He punishes, even scourges, every son whom He accepts and welcomes to His heart and cherishes." Hebrew 12:6 (AMP)

"This hurts me more than it hurts you." These were the exact words my mother and father used before they disciplined me. Have you ever heard these words? Have you ever said these words?
As a child it was hard to understand how my parent's correction and discipline could hurt them more than it hurt me. After all, I was the one on the receiving end of the pain and suffering! I had many mental conversations with myself on this very subject. How can they say that when I am the one confined to my room for the week?

Growing up I thought I would only use positive reinforcement as disciplinary tools to raise my children into civilized, well-behaved members of society. My plan worked perfectly until I actually had children. Then I begin to re-think my mindset and seek the counsel of the Word as my guide for disciplining my children, as well as for receiving my own discipline from the Lord.

As a young mother correcting her children, my heart began to understand the Father's correction. It helped that I had already made the decision to allow God to be the Lord of my life. I was surrendered to His leadership in my life. Surrender meant accepting and submitting. Accepting His unconditional love and undeserved grace for my sin and submitting to His correction and discipline in my life. Trusting Him to use His Word to shape me into the person He wanted me to be. I was and I am today the object of His great love.

The Lord's correction and discipline is given to everyone He loves, accepts, and cherishes in His heart. According to Ephesians 1:5, through Jesus Christ we are adopted as sons of God. Therefore, as His children we are entitled to His great love and His loving hand of discipline.

Admittedly, it took me some time to willingly submit to the correction and discipline of the Lord. At times, the process was painful and difficult, asking me to give up things I took pleasure in. When I obeyed though, I always saw a positive result. Two truths came to life: discipline is good, and discipline is necessary to help me become like Christ.

I felt His great love as God would tell me, "No honey, don't watch that show anymore" or "Wendy, that relationship is not really beneficial to you. It would be in your best interest to break away from it." When I submitted to the discipline, I could see that He really loved me and wanted what was best for me.

As a young mother, I began to understand how giving the discipline really does hurt more than receiving the discipline. How? Because of the love. The giver loves so deep and in a way the receiver cannot understand until the discipline is accepted and applied, and the receiver matures. Eventually, the one receiving the discipline and correction realizes that discipline brings what he or she has always longed for: security, comfort, and peace.

The next time you need to accept discipline, remember the love of the Father who uses correction to shape you into the person He has designed you to be.

Dear Lord, help me to accept and apply Your loving discipline to my life. Thank You for loving me enough not to overlook my faults. You want me to be all that You have planned. Forgive me when I stubbornly stand in the way of the work of Your great love. It warms my heart to know that You accept and cherish me in Your heart, even enough to discipline me when I need it. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

George and Margaret Gidisa

Monday, February 23, 2009

30 life principles...

I just wanted to share this link...

Learning pidgin with kids...

I have been trying with kids and George to get better at speaking and learning pidgin (one of husband's languages). I was reminded of this idea when on She advises to take some classes with or as a family to learn things together. What we have been trying to do is at some meals just speak pidgin so the kids and I can learn more. I am also going to share the link I got from oprah

Monday, February 16, 2009

Facebook Beware

Just a heads up. Beware of Facebook...I thought I was getting a note from friend and opened something and now I have no way to get into account and the password has been changed. I have gotten some messages from FB in French also.