Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Bung Lotu

Christmas Greetings from Indiana to all of you!
Jesus is the reason for the season. The greatest “PRESENT” mankind ever could receive was given to Mary wrapped in swaddling clothing and they presented Him to this world. We do not deserve this unmerited gift from God, but He loved us while we were yet sinners. It is not what we earned. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to us. We could not go to where He was, so HE came to us. Let us prepare ourselves, come with open heart to celebrate His birthday. Pray much and expect God to do great things in our lives.
Christmas is the season for giving and receiving gifts-what will you give to God this Christmas? The best gift you could give to God is your soul. God requires us to present our bodies to Him as a living sacrifice which is our reasonable service. This is the only time we will give to God. Please come prayerfully. Do not bring any electronics that will take away our time from worshiping God. Let us especially set these three to four days aside for God and let Him come and meet with us. This is a PNG Christmas service that means we will worship the way we normally worship in PNG.
Girls/Women-dresses or skirts and blouses with sleeves.
Boys/Men-slacks or jeans and shirts with sleeves.
Due to many expenses involved in this get together we will collect an offering so please come prepared. Our cost is approximately $2000.00. This includes food, gas, guest speakers, and etc. Beech Grove Independent Nazarene Church has been a great help to us over the past Christmas services, but as of today we do not know whether they will help us or not. Please pray for this need and let God direct you in what you should give. There are no camp fees, however give as God leads you, as there are expenses.
You are all invited, including former missionaries to PNG and our PNG students to the United States.
Guest Speaker: Jack Kipoi – graduate of Hobe Sound Bible College
Directions: You can either find through google map or through
The address is:Independent Nazarene Church @ 5152 Hornet Avenue Beech Grove, IN 46107
You can contact Bill Okie @ 317-517-3572, George Gidisa @ 765-393-2381, Ivan or Youan Tainapel @ 317-696-6743

written by Bill Okie