Wednesday, September 30, 2009


some of the people who gathered for our Independence Day celebration...there were about 40-50 people. Some of the husbands, wives, and children were running around during photos

Sis Brock spoke about PNG before it gained its independence

George speaking about the vision of the "college boys" who helped PNG become independent

Friday, September 25, 2009

Prebirthday dinner for daddy...

This is the yummy smoothie that George made. Ingredients include: passion fruit, strawberry, and banana.

One of my fave ingredients: coconut milk and ginger.

Some more stuff: plantain, star fruit, passion fruit, cassava, and greens.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Some more PNG Independence Day Celebration

Inside the gym area that Dr Hood allowed us to use.

Some very special girls (Martha and Regina Pande) with their grandpa.

Putting the heated rocks on top of foil to heat the food underneath...nothing like PNG style:)

The kids had to bring their rollerblades...I am going to have to invest in some considering I lost my other ones.

PNG Independence day celebration-September 12, 2009

our next generation of Papua New Guineans...enjoying chatting and playing at the celebration (bung)

Some of the wantoks that came to the Bung...more came later...we had about 50 or more in attendance.

George sharing his stories about the history of the men who fought for PNG's Independence.

All the wantoks working together to make a mumu...yummy!

This pic should have been first as it happened first...digging the pit to put the mumu in the ground.

Even though PNG's Independence is not till September 16, we celebrated this past weekend and had a wonderful time of fellowship. Here are some pics of the events.